Multiday 24 hours

Multiday 24 hours

Park from 1 to 30 days and save up to 70%


Book your parking for several days for 24 hours and save up to 70%

Your parking can be much cheaper. Get up to 70% discount* with Multiday 24h.


Advantages of booking Multiday 24 hours

100% digital

Flexible schedule

No schedules! Park whenever you need it.

100% digital

Central locations

Find parking in the best areas.

100% digital

Save with Saba

Out with the usual rates! Pay less for your parking

100% digital

Number plate access

Link your number plate to your Multiday to access the car park as easily as possible.

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The 24h Multiday product runs from 00:01 h to 23:59 h on the contracted day or days. The 24h Multiday product runs from 00:01 h to 23:59 h on the contracted day or days.

How to buy this product

  • Find your car park

    Find your car park

    Type the location where you want to park and select the days in the search bar.

  • Choose your Multiday

    Choose your Multiday

    Select "Multiday 24h" in the results list.

  • Buy online

    Buy online

    Click on "Buy" and pay with your bank card.

  • All parked!

    All parked!

    Now you have your parking space sorted out for the days you need.

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See Terms and Conditions desplegar/encoger

If you purchase this product online and you have VIA-T you must remove your device from the vehicle before entering the car park to avoid double charges.

*Discount on the daily rate of the car park. Variable discount depending on the car park and number of days contracted.